Discover Seville
Are you thinking to come to Seville? I am sure that you will like and that will surprise you. There are many things to do, sights to be discovered, streets to go, Tapas to taste, people to meet…
In this section I will try to tell you some of them, but I will tell you much more when we do a guided tour together.

What is a tapa? From what are the tapas? Where do I go for tapas? These are some of the questions that people made when they come to Seville, and the answer to these questions is very simple. The tapa is in principle a snack that accompanies a drink that is served directly unless the client asks for it in many places in Spain.
In Seville, the tapa must be asked for it separately, and indicate what you want. Each bar usually announces their own specialties in a whiteboard on the outside. It can be from a piece of bread with ham or cheese to something much more elaborate that's Haute cuisine, but in common is that it tends to be a portion for one person. It allows you to try different dishes and is one of the most common ways of eating, 2, 3, 4 tapas, depends on the appetite and we will have a meal.
If you come in May, sure that you will ask yourself about these trees of blue flowers or lilacs that you see around all Seville. They are Jacarandas.
These trees grow relatively fast and reach 6 to 10 meters in height; its origin can be found in South America (Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina...)